dance + installation
This piece is part of the current NETZWERK AKS performance repertoire. For more information and to book performances, please contact:

More questions than answers.
Travelogue uses art as a means of exploration, more questions than answers.
Travelogue explores the absence of hierarchy.
Travelogue develops from the simultaneous presentation of artistic activities, performances, music, dance and actions.
Travelogue examines whether equitable coexistence is possible and whether this could constitute a first step toward balanced cooperation.
Travelogue is conceptualized as an open space, a walk-in dance-theater installation that, through repetition of its individual segments from each participating artist and their established score, creates an imposing and idiosyncratic dynamic.
Interaction in the conventional sense does not occur. Interaction exists.
The media of dance, installation, text, film, live projection, performance, and music (suite for toy piano / compositions for prepared piano by John Cage) form the segments of this dance-theater analysis.
Travelogue is applied as a complex, ongoing concept that invites new artists, integrates new aspect and themes depending on the artists involved and the place of performance, thereby becoming a traveling, constantly changing, globally-oriented entity itself.
Travelogue is inspired by John Cage's spirit: a democratic concept in which the simultaneity and independence of several juxtaposed arts are investigated.
Choreography, Concept, Direction
Andrea K. Schlehwein
Dancers + Creation / Europe
Carlos Osatinsky
Fernando Nicolas Pellicioli
Simona Piroddi
Aureliusz Rys
Eleonore Schäfer
Laurent Ziegler
Dance + Creation / GEOXX (ID)
Eleonore Schäfer
Carlos Osatinksy
Fernando Nicolás Pelliccioli
Nyoman Sura
Ni Nyoman Ayo Kunti Aryani
Putu Merina Rahayu / BALI | Komane Adi
Jazmyne Koch
Gusti Ngurah Sudibya
Budi Susilo / JAWA | Made Lila Sardana
Wayan Susia / SINGAPADU
Dance + Creation /
Taman Budaya Surakarta (ID)
Eleonore Schäfer
Carlos Osatinsky
Fernando Nicolas Pelliccioli
Yasudah S.
Danang Romadhon / SOLO Indi NIdya
Adi Kusuma Fajar Abadi
Sekar Putri H.
Dance + Creation /
Surakarta Jogja Gallery, Yogyakarta (ID)
Collaboration with Bimo Dance Theater
Angeline Rizky Emawati Putri
Halimatus Sa'diah
I Gede Radiana Putra
Agung Saputra
R. Daru Artono
Nanag Sukriyanto
Eleonore Schäfer Carlos Osatinsky
Fernando Nicolas Pelliccioli
Dance + Creation /
Eloproggo Art Space, Magelang (ID)
Eleonore Schäfer
Carlos Osatinsky
Fernando Nicolas Pelliccioli
Sony Santosa
Desi Deden
Dance + Creation /
Bandung Performances (ID)
Eleonore Schäfer
Carlos Osatinsky
Fernando Nicolas Pelliccioli
Oos Koswara
Iman Syar
Dedy Aridian Banjar
Atin Rustini
Zhu Khi Tian
Anita Gayatri
Ade Ii Syarifuddin
Florian Hermann
Jo Hermann

Klagenfurt (A), 2012
Theater Halle 11
Bali (ID), 2012
Surakarta (ID), 2012
Art Space Surakarta
Jogja (ID), 2012
Jogja Gallery
Eloproggo (ID), 2012
Eloproggo Art Center
Bandung (ID), 2012
IFI Bandung